Obtaining the health-oriented Simin Sanat statue by Maron Petrochemicals

Obtaining the health-oriented Simin Sanat statue by Maron Petrochemicals The 5th National Festival of Health-Oriented Industry" in the industry, mining and trade sector with the vision of achieving the highest level of health for the members of the society, by the Health Education and Health Promotion Association of Iran in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, Medicine and Medical Education, the Ministry of Industry, Mining and trade and other organizations and institutions in charge of the health sector of the country, was held in the month of March 1401 at the international conference center of Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran. The motto of this festival is: "Health-centered, organizational culture and sustainable development". At the end of the fifth period of this festival, out of one hundred first-rate companies from all over the country, Maron Petrochemical Health Unit, in its first appearance in this festival, succeeded in receiving the statuette of the festival.